Use MySQL REGEXP in Laravel
Quick note to use MySQL REGEXP in Laravel
Quick note to use MySQL REGEXP in Laravel
Symmetric Array Destructuring
近期剛好更換成 Mac 就順便來紀錄一下從無到有的laravel 環境建置過程。其中共包括MySQL, Sequel Pro, Composer, laravel, valet。因為有valet的關係,所以這編就先不介紹apache/nginx的安裝。
近期筆者的信箱收到Let’s Encrypt certificate expiration notice for domain的訊息,後來發現是certbot版本太舊,且Let’s Encrypt 本身已經移除了對TLS-SNI-01的domain驗證的支援,如果您的版本也是在0.28以下,只要『再』照著官方提供...
Depend on abstractions, not on concretions 物件的相依關係應該要依賴於抽象類別,而非抽象出來的實例(concretions)。
Clients should not be forced to depend on methods that they do not use (A client should not be forced to implement an interface that it doesn’t use.) 客戶(類...
Derived classes(Subtypes) must be substitutable for their base classes(base types) 若程式內有使用到繼承,或是Interface的實作,則在系統中,凡base types(父類別或是interface)出現的地方,都可以...
Robert C. Martin(Uncle Bob): Entities(class, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension, but closed for modification. 軟體的對象中,對於擴展是開放的,但是對於修改是...